Wednesday 15 June 2016

Community Dress Up Day

Team West dressed up on Friday 3rd June to support St John's Ambulances. We were dressed as people who help our community. 

Thursday 14 April 2016

Desert Fox

Carter decided to find out about the desert fox for his Courageous Curiosity work.  Click here to view his slideshow about it.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Kensuke's Kingdom - The Peggy Sue

The Peggy Sue is the name of the yacht that Michael and his family own, to sail around the world.  During our art sessions, Team West have been making our own models of the Peggy Sue.  We used layers of corrugated cardboard, glued together, and papier mache to create the shape of the hull and the cabin.  Then we added a mast, rails and painted the model.  These will soon be finished.  Here is a photo of what 4 of them look like.

Kensuke's Kingdom

This term, Team West have been reading a book written by Michael Morpurgo called 'Kensuke's Kingdom.'  The story is about a boy called Michael, who goes on a sailing adventure around the world, with his parents, after they lose their jobs at the brickworks.
During the voyage, Michael's dog, Stella Artois, falls overboard during a storm, and Michael tries to rescue her.  However, he is not harnessed to the yacht and isn't wearing a lifejacket.  He finds himself washed up on the beach of a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean.  He will have to survive there, with the help of a Japanese man called Kensuke.  He is angry about having to share his island, but he helps Michael out and they become friends.  Gradually, Michael learns about Kensuke and his past.
We made these 'Missing' posters and were very pleased with them.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Name Art

For the last few weeks, Team West have been creating name art.  First we drew a diamond and next we drew our name in bubble letters.  Then we designed patterns in the letter using one colour.  We created so many patters that you could barely see any white.  After that, we made a colourful background for the diamond.  Finally, we did a fan effect for the background.

By Alyssa Grigor

Sunday 14 February 2016

Beach Education Day

Learning about beach safety.

Holly becomes a Surf Lifeguard

 We modelled a beach to learn how rips form

 Everyone was involved

Some of the rip channels became very long!

Thursday 4 February 2016

Swimming lessons are go!

Team West have been enjoying their swimming lessons during the first week of term.